Sample Release Letters from Employer in Word

HR Cabin

Release letter is a formal letter given by the employer to an employee, it acts as proof that the resignation of the employee has been accepted. The release letter consists of the last working date, job designation, and finally thank you note for the employee’s service.

Release letters are required when an employee wants to join a new job because sometimes new employers will ask the employees to submit the release letter.

Remember you can prepare release letters in two types, one is in certificate format and another one is in regular letter format. You can choose any type based on your interest.

Here you can find some best release letters which you can download in Word format.

Release Letter 1

To Whomsoever It May Concern

With reference to your resignation dated _________, from the post of ____________. Your resignation has been accepted and you will be relieved from the services of the company on______.

As per the company norms, you have to serve one month notice period and your full & final settlement will be processed after the relieving date.

We appreciate your contributions to the company and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

For The Company Name,

Release Letter 2


This is to certify that your resignation dated _______ has been accepted and you can be relieved from your duties on _________ as a _____________(job designation).

We thank you for your contributions during your tenure with us and we wish you all the success in your future endeavours.

For the Company Name,

Release Letter 3

To Whomsoever It May Concern

This is regarding your resignation dated ________. Your resignation has been accepted by the management and you will be relieved from your service after the closing hours on _______.

Your full and final settlement will be processed after serving the two-month notice period.

We are grateful for your dedication and hard work during your service with us.

We wish you every success in your future endeavours.

For the Company Name,

Release Letter 4

To Whomsoever It May Concern

This is to certify that the resignation of Mr./Ms. __________(employee name) has been accepted by the company.

He/She will be relieved from the services of the _______________(company name) with effect from the closing hours of _______(last working date) as a _____________(designation).

We appreciate his dedication and contribution during his/her tenure with us.

We wish him/her all the success in all future endeavours.

For the Company,

Release Letter 5

Sub: Releasing letter.

Dear Mr./Ms.________(Employee name),

This is in reference to your resignation dated __________, you are being relieved from the services of the company ____________ as a _____________(designation).

You will be kept on notice period during this time, and your full and final settlement will be processed after your last working date.

We thank you for your efforts and contributions during your tenure with us.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

For the Company Name,

Release Letter 6

Sub: Relieving letter.

Dear Mr./Ms._____________(Employee name),

This is to inform you that your resignation dated ________ has been accepted, and your last working date will be ________.

As per the company’s relieving policy, you have to serve a two-month notice period.

We appreciate your efforts and hard work and we wish you all the best in all your future endeavours.

Release Letter 7

The Employee Name,

Sub: Relieving Letter.

Dear Mr./Ms.____________(Employee name),

This is in response to your resignation dated _________, you will be relieved from your current job as a ___________ (job designation) W.E.F ________.

You will be kept under notice period until the last working date, as per the company norms.

During your tenure, we found you sincere and hardworking.

We wish you all the success in your future ventures.

For the Company Name,

Tips to Write a Good Release Letter

  1. Decide the format of the relieving letter before writing it.
  2. Start the release letter as a response to the resignation of the employee.
  3. The first paragrpah of the release letter should indicate the acceptance of the resignation and the last working date.
  4. If you want to add any other information such as notice period or full & final settlement details then add those details in the second paragraph.
  5. Thank the employee for his contributions towards the company.
  6. Finally, say all the best to the employee’s future tasks.
  7. Print the release letter on the company letterhead and sign it by the authorized person.


Are release letters and relieving letters the same?

Yes, both are the same.

Is relieving letters compulsory for employees?

Yes, It acts as proof that the resignation of the employee was accepted, so that he can join the new job without any problem in the future.

When to get a release letter?

You can get a release letter after acceptance of your resignation (or) even after leaving the job.

Can I join a new job without a relieving letter?

It depends on the new company where you are joining, If they have a strict policy to submit a relieving letter then you must submit it.

What if I don’t have a relieving letter?

Use your experience certificate, because an experience certificate will be issued only after serving the notice period.

Can I get a release letter without serving the notice period?

No, you cannot get a release letter without serving the notice period.

How to get relieved from the job immediately?

Talk with the company management and pay the fine if you are unable to serve the notice period. But the final decision will be taken by the management.

Can I get a relieving letter after termination?

Yes, companies will provide relieving letters even after termination. But if an employee is terminated due to any fraud (or) misbehavior, then companies can deny (or) mention the reason for termination in the relieving letter.

Are release letters and experience letters the same?

No, both are different. A release letter is proof of acceptance of resignation and an experience letter is proof of the employee’s service in a company.

How many days will it take to get a relieving letter?

You can get it immediately after acceptance of your resignation, but it consists of the last working date until which you have to work.

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Hello! I’m Rajesh M, an HR professional with 10 years of experience in generalist roles and an MBA in HR and Marketing. I’m also the proud founder of, a website dedicated to helping employees like you. At, we offer support in various areas such as job search tips, career growth advice, information on labour laws, and useful templates for work. My goal is to make your professional life easier and more successful. Whether you’re looking for a new job, want to grow in your current role, or need help understanding your rights as an employee, I’m here to guide you. Feel free to visit for more information. Let’s work together to boost your career!