Truth tables – negation, conjunction, disjunction (“not”, “and”, “or”)

Truth tables are a way of analyzing how the validity of statements (called propositions) behave when you use a logical “or”, or a logical “and” to combine them. Propositions are either completely true or completely false, so any truth table will want to show both of these possibilities for all the statements made.

For all these examples, we will let p and q be propositions. They could be statements like “I am 25 years old” or “it is currently warmer than 70°”. Any statements that are either true or false.

Negation – “not p”


Negation is the statement “not p”, denoted \(\neg p\), and so it would have the opposite truth value of p. If p is true, then \(\neg p\) if false. If p is false, then \(\neg p\) is true. Notice that the truth table shows all of these possibilities.

Conjunction – “and”


Consider the statement “p and q”, denoted \(p \wedge q\). To analyze this, we first have to think of all the combinations of truth values for both statements and then decide how those combinations influence the “and” statement. In words:

Disjunction – “or”


You may not realize it, but there are two types of “or”s. There is the inclusive or where we allow for the fact that both statements might be true, and there is the exclusive or, where we are strict that only one statement or the other is true. In math, the “or” that we work with is the inclusive or, denoted \(p \vee q\). When we want to work with the exclusive or, we are specific and use different notation (you can read about this here: the exclusive or). This shows in the first row of the truth table, which we will now analyze:


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