Sample Documents

Used where you need to make statements for which you will be legally bound.

2. Consent to Travel Document

Used where a child is traveling without one or both parents.

If you experience a problem downloading the form from the above link, you can download it from here:

3. Invitation Letter/Affirmation

Used in support of a visitor's visa to Canada.

4. Special Power of Attorney

Used where you need to appoint someone else to act on your behalf on matters that you specify.

5. Continuing Power of Attorney

A Continuing Power of Attorney is a special Power of Attorney set up to take care of a person's interests if they become mentally incapacitated.

6. Translator's Affidavit

Used where a Non-Certified Translator needs to certify a translation.

7. Affidavit of Execution for a Will

Used to prevent the problems that would occur when your witnesses predecease you, or cannot be located.

8. Create a Will

Online Do-It-Yourself Will.

9. Affidavit for OSAP

Used when single parent appying for OSAP assistance.


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